About FipcoSept
Protection from infection has become the main concern for all inhabitants of our planet, beginning with hand sterilization, especially with the emergence of the rapidly spreading Coronavirus. And, in light of the World Health Organization’s recommendation that hands be washed constantly. It was discovered that regular hand sanitizers do not provide the required protection throughout the day, regardless of how many times they are used during the 24-hour period. Alcohol 70% concentration, disinfectant soap, and other types of sanitizers provide protection for only a few minutes after use. As a result, the World Health Organization’s recommendations included repeated hand sanitizing whenever contact is made with a person or a surface. And, due to the widespread use of traditional sterilizers throughout the day, various side effects developed, including dryness, itching, chronic eczema, and even skin cancer. Additionally, these preparations are ineffective on sweaty hands or contaminated with organic materials or blood

Now in Egypt and Middle East
Fipcosept long lasting hand sanitizer, the first formula to protect against the Corona virus, which was approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by pharmacists and doctors in the United States and Europe as the first choice for protection until it became the best-selling product in Pharmacies in the United States of America.

Fipcosept long lasting hand sanitizer with repeated use once a day, it guarantees you and your family full protection from infection for 24 hours with complete effectiveness.

Fipcosept long lasting hand sanitizer Is ideal for usage in gyms and health clubs because it works perfectly on sweaty hands.

Fipcosept long lasting hand sanitizer Is safe, gentle on the skin, and easy to use. It is suitable for all ages. For the elderly, children, and infants from the end of the second month.

Fipcosept long lasting hand sanitizer no matter how long the period of use is, it does not cause any harm to the skin and equipped with a foam pump to make application easier and more cost-effective.